Go Big When You’re Painting Home
Inquiries come my way every day and you all never cease to amaze me with your creativity and vision.
In March, I received a request for a Tulsa Skyline piece similar to one I’ve done before. Sure! It’s a favorite people always compliment and one of a kind. The original actually lives in Belgium and I never got a high enough resolution photo to make prints. It was made years before Alexa’s Illustrations was what it is today.
Anyways, simple enough, right? But did I mention the size would be 24”x36”?! That’s 10x bigger than an 8”x10” that I usually paint. Where do I even start? Where does one get paper that big? How do I cut it to size? How long will it take? There were many questions of a technical nature that I had, but one simple answer I had to this inquiry: “Yes!”.
A trip to local art supply mega store, Ziegler’s helped get me started. Seeing this paper in person was so exciting that I actually grabbed two sheets!
I documented the whole process on Instagram, from cutting the paper to size, washing and stretching the paper, sketching in the buildings, and, of course, painting! The whole process took a little over a month.
It was so exciting to drop off this piece in person to see the reaction! Off to Ziegler’s the piece went (full circle for that piece of paper), to get adorned with a frame for its forever home.
The finished piece backed & wrapped with a bow and thank you note!
Do you have a large scale project in mind? Reach out to Alexa to inquire about timeline and pricing.